Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First camping trip of the year.

Trevin was so excited about roasting marshmellows we couldn't keep him out of the fire. We kept telling him how dangerous fire can be. But he seems to be a little piro maniac. (Note to self, dont' leave anything flammable around or we might just have a problem..) Although he says he understands and he was quite responsible about the whole thing we will just have to keep our fingers crossed that nothing bad happens. These boys there just totally crazy!

Jay can't wait for the weather to finally warm up enought to take the trailer out for the first camping trip of the year. This year it was about 50 degrees but luckly all the snow was off the ground on the side of the mountain we were on. The kids had a total blast and so did Jay, as for me I'm not so sure. Spending 2 days in a trailer the size of a cubical with 4 people and 2 dogs just make me plan nuts.


Liz said...

Looks like a lot of fun, you're a good sport. Just be glad you have a trailer to sleep in. :-) j/k

Why don't I drive down your way this week for a play date. Sarah still talks about her "sister" going potty. It's pretty funny.

Have a nice weekend and hopefully I'll talk/see you soon.

mortensen98 said...

You look so happy and your kids are so cute! i am also still in springville we may have to get together sometime i have a 3 1/2 year girl. It was good seeing everyone on the springvilleblog page i will have to get one up.

Larcy (west) Mortensen