Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Teagan went on her first field trip to the Mapleton fire station. She wasn't so sure about the whole idea and kept asking me if they were going to tie her up. So after a little persuasion we made it through. They told them all about fire safety, let them try on the fire uniform and they even went for a ride in the fire truck.


Emily said...

What a fun adventure. I bet Teagan had a blast...I loved visiting the fire station when I was little...I thought it was the most cool thing ever.

Andee said...

What a fun field trip! She looks so cute in that huge coat :) I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog. It will be easier to check in to see what's new with you guys!

Liz said...

So cute! I tagged you on my blog for a quiz. I wonder how I'd score on a quiz about you. :-)